Assholes on Twitter will tell you
that women aren’t funny,
which is very strange to me
because I wouldn’t have made it this long
if I wasn’t funny.
I’m not conventionally attractive
or physically coordinated.
I’m prone to depression
and have a family history of mental illness.
Of course I’m fucking funny.
I cling to laughter as a life raft
when life’s trying to drown me in an ocean of bullshit.
And I make people laugh.
I once made Saul Williams laugh—not a polite “ha ha”
I once made Saul Williams laugh—not a polite “ha ha”
but a real laugh!
I could tell you what I said,
but I don’t think it would be as funny out of context.
There was a point in my life
when I was 13 or 14,
and I could choose who I wanted to be.
I certainly did not like myself very much,
and my classmates, in general, agreed.
I could have been the girl who really got into Tori Amos,
and that would have been fine,
but I would be a MUCH different person than I am now.
Instead I became obsessed with Monty Python,
and I realized that all the things that were making me
like irrationally angry teachers or packs of
seventh-grade girls,
were actually absurdly hilarious if you look at them the
right way.
And I would find the one person who was also
on the outside looking in,
and I’d make fun of the cliques and the bizarre Catholic
school rules.
Then I would have a friend.
And that’s how I got by.
It’s how I still get by,
always looking on the bright side of life.
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